We were up in Korea's North East again this past weekend. We visited Kojin (
Map of Kojin, Kangwon-do KR) for some dives with James' new Open Water students. First dive was a shore dive next to a large barge that was moving the huge cement structures (pictured) that make up the breakwaters that are so common here.

Not a lot to see but I got to use my new MEC underwear because the water was warmer. Got my weighting in these figured out for salt water at least. The second dive was a boat dive on the actual breakwater. Was a little cold at 14m and 12 degrees celcius. It was on this dive that I learned the limit for the MEC Expedition weight undies is about 15 degrees. Anything under that and I have to use my heavy Bare ones. Third dive ended up being much shallower than we expected. Only about 3-5m so I was overdressed and sweaty. Still, the vis was good and I got some shots of the new divers. I'm sure they appreciate having their first dives photographed. I wish I had mine better recorded. ....On second thought, maybe I'd rather not have this kind of buoyancy control recorded.
VIDEO: New Divers .
Should I have said that? That's not nice. Oh well, when they become expert divers they can share a chuckle with me. The trip to Kojin took a little over 3 hours but the return was about 8 because of the totally insane Seoul Sunday traffic. I've seen it that bad before but this was the worst this year by far. Thank God were in a bus and can have have a few on the way back. Overall, the diving wasn't great this weekned but I still enjoyed the trip. I got sorted on a few things and even did some drills while in the shallow water. The scenery was nice and it was great to get out of the city and into the mountains again.